- NIMRA AGM on January 25, 2016 7:30 pm
- Slieve Gullion on March 5, 2016 12:00 pm
- Glenariff Mountain Race (C) on March 12, 2016 12:00 pm
- British Champs: Donard Commedagh on April 9, 2016 11:00 am
- Hill and Dales: Castlewellan on April 14, 2016 7:30 pm
- Hill and Dales: Tollymore on April 21, 2016 7:30 pm
- The Fallows (C) on April 23, 2016 11:00 am
- Hill and Dales: Slieve Martin on April 28, 2016 7:30 pm
- Hill and Dales: Binnian on May 5, 2016 7:30 pm
- Annalong Horseshoe (C) on May 7, 2016 11:00 am
- Hill and Dales: Rocky on May 12, 2016 7:30 pm
- Hill and Dales: Loughshannagh Horseshoe on May 19, 2016 7:30 pm
- Hill and Dales: Donard (C) on May 28, 2016 2:00 pm
- Hill and Dales: Millstone on June 2, 2016 7:30 pm
- Hill and Dales: Hen and Cock on June 9, 2016 7:30 pm
- Flagstaff to Carlingford (C) on June 19, 2016 11:00 am
- Spelga Skyline (C) on July 2, 2016 11:00 am
- Seven Sevens (C) on August 13, 2016 10:00 am
- Lurig Challenge on August 13, 2016 1:00 pm
- Slieve Bearnagh (C) on August 20, 2016 11:00 am
- Commedagh Chase (C) on October 8, 2016 11:00 am
- Granite Trail Race on October 21, 2016
- Mourne Skyline MTR on October 22, 2016 9:00 am
- Knockdu Christmas Classic Fell Race on December 17, 2016 11:00 am
- Turkey Trot on December 26, 2016 12:00 pm
- Christmas Cracker on December 27, 2016 1:00 pm
Note: (C) denotes a NIMRA Championship race.