Scrabo 2024 Race Report
Thursday 15th August saw 91 runners descend on Scrabo country park for the last short distance NIMRA race of the season. Despite persistent rain in the morning, the evening provided dry and warm racing conditions if a little slippery underfoot. Shortly after 7pm the runners took off from the start area in 3 waves, with each wave separated by 2 minutes to ease congestion on the narrow trails. Jared Martin from host club Ballydrain Harriers made his intentions clear by opening an early gap shortly after the start pursued by last year’s winner Ashley Crutchley (Newcastle AC).

Halfway round the 2nd lap Jared had established a 35 second lead over Ashley with a further gap of 1min 20 secs back to 3rd place Keith Johnston (Armagh AC), closely followed by top juniors Luke O’Doherty (Mid Ulster) & Rudy Mayne (Loughview AC) with Glynn Johnston (BARF) in 6th. Jared pushed on to the tower for the win followed in by Ashley with Keith Johnston rounding out the podium.

Karen Wilton (Jog Lisburn) was out in front in the ladies category but unsure if she had enough of a gap to some of the runners who started in the wave behind her. Louise Jones (Unattached), Sarah Brady (Unattached) and Clair Quigley (North Down AC) gave chase but Karen was first to the finish line with what proved to be a 2min 15sec advantage over Louise in 2nd spot and Sarah securing 3rd place.

All the runners were made to work hard on the short sharp climbs and short descents giving little chance for recovery but fortunately all got round safely with no injuries reported (except perhaps some pride). With refreshments demolished and prizes distributed by Jim Hayes the event wrapped up before nightfall descended. Ballydrain Harriers would like to thank all the competitors who supported the race and James Carr ‘the timing man’ for doing his stuff and getting the results out so fast.

Full results available on the NIMRA website.