(lasted amended 26th January 2015)
1. Title
The name of the organisation shall be the “Northern Ireland Mountain Running Association”, hereafter referred to as the Association.
2. Objects
The objects of the Association shall be:
(a) to develop fell running and mountain craft by:
(i) encouraging participation in these activities,
(ii) providing members with suitable competition,
(iii) assisting members to improve their personal athletic standards,
(iv) organising competition locally,
(v) organising representative teams for international competition.
(b) to support or subscript to such charities and other charitable purposes as shall be recommended by the Annual General Meeting.
3. Affiliation
The Association shall be affiliated to the national governing bodies recognised by the International Amateur Athletic Federation.
4. Officers
(a) The officers of the Association shall be the Honorary President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Honorary President is a non-voting officer.
(b) The Administrative Secretary shall service the Management Committee as it shall from time to time resolve.
(c) The Treasurer shall present annual accounts and shall furnish statements of accounts as required by the Management Committee and shall co-ordinate fund-raising activities.
Note: Honorary Members are elected for life by a majority vote at a General Meeting on the proposal of the outgoing committee.
5. Organisation and Management
(a) Between Annual and Extraordinary Meetings of the Association the Management of the Association shall be vested in the Management Committee, comprised as follows:
President Chairman Secretary
Treasurer Membership Secretary Administrative Secretary
Results & Records Social Secretary Equipment officer
Press Officer
The remainder of the committee is to consist of three or more members, to be increased in proportion if some of the above posts are unfilled, to give an overall committee of up to 15 members. The committee is elected for one year at each Annual General Meeting.
(b) The Management Committee shall have power to:
(i) conduct its business as it shall from time to time by resolution determine and to regulate its own procedure,
(ii) appoint sub-committees as necessary, whose membership may include members outside the Management Committee and with powers conferred on each sub-committee by the Management Committee.
(iii) fill vacancies arising during its term of office,
(iv) accept or reject applications for membership,
(v) deal with any member who has infringed Association rules, or who is indebted to the Association or whose conduct is likely to bring the Association into disrepute, in such manner as it sees fit,
(vi) determine any dispute arising from a judge’s decision in an Association race or from an objection to the winner of any Association trophy,
(vii) levy any such extraordinary charges or fees as may from time to time become necessary,
(viii) appoint a representative to the Athletics NI Board of Directors and appoint other delegates to any other bodies which may from time to time require representation.
6. Finance
(a) Annual subscriptions shall be determined by the Annual General Meeting. Failure to pay such subscriptions may result in suspension and the appropriate governing body informed accordingly.
(b) All monies shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of the Association.
(c) The financial year ends on 31st December.
(d) The Management Committee shall have power to authorise expenditure on behalf of the Association.
(e) The annual statement of accounts shall be audited prior to presentation at the AGM.
(f) Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer or any other named member of the Management Committee.
7. Annual General Meeting
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held within two months of the end of the Association’s financial year.
(b) At least seven days notice in writing shall be given to all members.
(c) The Annual General Meeting shall receive the Treasurer’s Report and such other reports as reflect the workings of the Association during the preceding year.
(d) Officials and members of the committee for the ensuring year shall be elected.
(e) Voting at the Annual General Meeting shall be restricted to members whose annual subscriptions have been fully paid prior to the commencement of the meeting.
8. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
(a) An extra-ordinary general meeting may be called by:
(i) the Management Committee
(ii) at least ten members who shall state in writing the business to be discussed.
(b) At least seven days notice in writing shall be given to all members.
(c) Only the business specified in the notice convening the meeting shall be discussed.
9. Association Trophies
(a) Winners of Association Trophies may hold same for one year unless resigning and must undertake to return them when requested.
(b) In handicap competitions the handicapper shall be nominated by the Management Committee.
10. Resignation
Any member wishing to resign must notify the Administrative Secretary in writing to that effect and must be clear of all liabilities before resignation can be accepted.
11. Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of the Association, any assets remaining after settlement of all outstanding debts and liabilities shall not be distributed amongst the members, but shall be given to some other organisation having similar objects to those of the Association.
12. Amendments to the Constitution
This constitution may only be amended by a proposal passed by a majority of members present and entitled to vote at an Annual or Extra-ordinary General Meeting, provided no alteration shall be made to the Objects clause or Dissolution clause which would cause the Association to cease to be recognised by Athletics NI.
13. Special Powers
The Management Committee shall have power to deal with any matter not specifically provided for in the Constitution or of such urgency as would preclude the calling of an Extra-ordinary General Meeting provided that their action is reported to such meeting at an early stage.