NIMRA Championship 2014: Seven Sevens – Race Details
by Jim Brown
The Seven Sevens is race 7 in this year’s NIMRA Championship.
The race will be in the clockwise direction this year, that is – Donard and Commedagh first, followed by Lamagan, Binnian, the Ben Crom dam, then the Meels and Bernagh.
The start and finish will be at the Pavilion in Donard park and there will be no air show laid on this year!
We will be using electronic timing for the race for the first time and hope that this will speed up the results process. Runners will still have to hand the green numbered tabs to the marshals as they go around the course as this is still the best buyamoxil amoxicillin method for the marshals to keep track of who has passed by, both walker and runner. You will also be provided with a white plastic tab and you must pin punch it on Meelmore which is not marshalled and will not have an electronic timing box. Hand this tab in at the finish.
You will have priority over walkers at the marshal points but please be courteous to our marshals who may be hard pressed at various times of the day. Remember that water is in short supply for long sections of the route so prepare accordingly. There will be food and showers at the finish.