NI Water Mourne Wall Restoration Project Progressing Well
NI Water would like to make the public aware that as part of our ongoing Mourne Wall Restoration Project, we will be carrying out helicopter drops during the week commencing 9th October. The helicopter will be used to airlift capping stones to various locations to complete sections of the wall that have already been restored.
Work is progressing well on this major scheme to restore this historic monument and weather permitting, this first series of helicopter lifts will be completed in two days. Subsequent helicopter lifts will be organised over the next two years as other sections of wall get underway. Health and safety is a priority for both NI Water and our contractor, GEDA Construction. Signage will be in place in advance and any working area will be manned and closely monitored as material is lowered to site. We would like to thank the public for their cooperation as this project continues and any customer queries should be directed to Waterline on 03457 440088.