NIMRA Update
The committee would like to extend good wishes to all NIMRA members in these challenging times. We are now able to return to the mountains, subject to Government restrictions. We would remind everyone that the Mourne Mountain Rescue Team continue to provide a scaled-down emergency service only We encourage you to facilitate self-care where possible. Apply due diligence and carry the usual recommended race kit: Waterproofs or full body cover, Water, Emergency Food, Map, Whistle, Compass, Foil Blanket and mobile phone for all your mountain excursions. Please encourage all mountain users to respect the wishes of local landowners and communities by parking in a way that will not obstruct emergency services, residents accessing their homes or farmers who need to enter fields or farmyards. Keep safe and enjoy!
It has also been decided to cancel the NIMRA 2020 Championship. We now look forward to 2021 NIMRA Championship when we hope all will be back to normal.