Northern Ireland Mountain Running Association Blog

Inter Counties Selection

Anyone interested in being selected to run in the Inter-Counties in Wales on 14th May needs to email before Saturday 9th April. The selection committee are having a meeting on Saturday 9th April...

NIMRA Litter Pick

Twenty one NIMRA volunteers worked over the weekend on picking litter from Donard park right up to the top of the mountain. Remember folks, Leave only footprints.

About the NIMRA Championship and Membership

by Anne Sandford The NIMRA Championship started on Saturday 12th March with a short category race.    To complete the Championship first and foremost you need to join NIMRA that costs £15.  The link to...

Glenariff Race Report 2016

More photos by Jayne Bell here My memory on facebook today was of the snow covered glens on a trip to the Glenariff race 5 years ago; however this morning there was a taste...

NIMRA Members Update

by Denise Mathers NIMRA Membership We are now fast approaching the start of the Mountain running season which kicks off with the long standing opening race Slieve Gullion on Saturday 5th March. This is always a good...

Championship and International Selection news

International Selection Criteria The selection criteria for this year is now available here. Podium4Sport NIMRA Championship Updates The date for the Seven Sevens has now been confirmed as August 13th. The last race in...

ANGLO CELTIC PLATE 100k – Notice of Interest

The ANGLO CELTIC PLATE 100k takes place in Perth on the 27th March 2016. Northern Ireland Mountain Running Association are interested in supporting a Male and Female Team to the above mentioned Ultra Distance...