Northern Ireland Mountain Running Association Blog

B&I U17 & U20 Championships – Marshall request

As you are no doubt aware, NIMRA have the privilege of hosting the above Championship, this coming weekend, Saturday 4th September. Race Venue – Happy Valley Carpark – at base of Slieves Meelbeg and...

Timmy and Martsje are top of the Tower

Thursday night would see Andrew Wallace and his Ballydrain Harriers team bring the return of a classic race at Scrabo Tower. The new course would start at the bottom car park at Killynether wood...

The warning was Yellow on Meelbeg

From Yellow warnings of Thunder & Lightning, changing to warnings about rain, the Met office just couldn’t make up its mind. Once the race organisers had contented themselves, that neither Thunder & Lightning, strong...

Senior Home Int Championship Team Selection

SENIOR HOME INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS  DATE: Sunday 19th September  VENUE: Sedbergh, Cumbria  Teams have now been selected to represent Northern Ireland and are listed below: MENS TEAM Timothy Johnson – Mourne Runners Jonny Scott – Mourne Runners Adam...

Seven Sevens NIMRA Championship – Long distance race.

The race is held in conjunction with the annual challenge walk and utilises many of their marshals. Date : Saturday 14th August 2021.Start Venue :  Shimna Integrated College, Kings Road, Newcastle. Registration :  8.30am –...


One man’s take on the Spelga Skyline by Ryan Stewart On the orange 7am Stelios wagon, all was looking well. For the first time in living memory, I could actually see the Mournes through...

Senior Home International 19th September -Sedburgh,

Senior Home International 19th September -Sedburgh,

A reminder for athletes who want considered for male & female Northern Ireland teams to email by 24th July. See post on 20th May with further details.  Teams are being selected after the Fallows race...